Saturday 24 July 2021

Your body. by Adarsh Kishor Singh


Today we are going to talk about your body we all have a body we can do many tasks with our body. Our body's parts are the Head, arm, chest and legs so let's start.


The head is the most delicate part of the body It helps to send signals to move the body like if you are hungry the signals which tell that you are hungry come from the brain which is in the head.


The Arm is essential for the grabbing of things, the arm is divided into 3 parts which are upper arm which is connected to the chest, lower arm it is a whole bone that is connected from the upper arm to the hand, Hand the hand is the main part of the arm it does the grabbing and the other is to the move and support it.


The Chest is the second most delicate part as it has the heart and the lungs which are essential the breathe and pump blood to all parts of the body, the chest is the biggest part and the most important.


The legs are the part that holds all the upper parts of the body it is also divided into three parts starting from the upper leg had a lot of muscle, the lower leg is the strongest bone of the body, feet the feet helps you to stand properly.

Thanks for reading


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