Thursday 8 July 2021

4 different Topics. By Adarsh kishor Singh.

 Balanced diet

Have you ever seen a weight balance scale if one side has more weight the scale will be not parrel? Your body also works like this if you eat something more like a potato you will get sick easily. because you did not have a balanced diet. A balanced diet has all things like protein, nutrients, fats etc. so have a balanced diet.

junk food 

Have your mother has told do not to eat a lot of chocolate or you will get sick. because junk food only has bad things in too many quantities. so if your mom says not to eat junk food do not junk food.


Why are knives so sharp did you ever thought that why do knives have a unique shape. it so that to cut things have you ever seen a Wedge and thought why does it have that kind of shape to cut into it like when a person uses the Wedge in cutting the wood into pieces. and boats also have the same kind of shape at the front to cut in the water.

Smile please

have to hade a camera and if yes you would click a lot of photos of your friends family. you would click photos of your animals or some weird photos like a dog with hands. you would also have clicked amazing photos like of a tree a jungle.  



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