Hello everyone today we are going to leam about the 8 planets of the solar system.
Mercury is the first planet from the sun. it was named after a Greek god. but it is not the hottest.it doesn't have any atmosphere
Venus is the second planet from the sun. It has a very thick atmosphere which is made of carbon dioxide it also not have any moon.
Earth is a unique planet because there is life on it. it has a moon its name is The moon it also have an atmosphere.
Mars has an atmosphere and is the fourth of the moon. it has two moons one is Phobos and the other is demos. it said that demos will collide with mars and then Mars will have a ring just like Saturn.
Jupiter has many facts the most popular is that there is a red spot in which there is a very big storm which is going from billions of years ago and the other one is that we can fit 1 thousand earths and it rains diamonds.
Saturn is known for its rings as it has seven big rings that are made of ice dust there is a moon of its which could have liquid methane seas and has an atmosphere. Saturn is the densest planet in the solar system which means that it will float in water.
Uranus is the first planet that was discovered by a telescope and it revolves sideways and it has rings.
it is very cold
Neptune is the last planet in the solar system and it is very cold the planet holds many secrets about the ninth planet. the first manmade satellite that visited the planet was voyager 1.
thanks for reading bye bye.
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