Thursday 14 January 2021

HOW TO BECAME SUCCESSFUL IN LIFE/ written by Adarsh Kishore Singh


Hello my name is Adarsh and today I am going to tell how to became successful in life. I think you have heard about Ellon musk how he became successful in life. He was successful in life by programing and you could also but it is not compulsory that means you can be successful in life by anything like sinning, dancing, painting etc. In life you have to compete with yourself not any one just by yourself you can compete by setting goals like I have redden 5 pages tomorrow 10 pages and so on by this you compete by yourself you can take one more example like today I have done exercising for 1 hour tomorrow 2 hours like this you will be successful. Thank you for reading you can also see my YouTube channel shbad patal bye bye.


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